Be Crazy–Change The World

Create your best life. A lot of times it seems we revert to confining ourselves in the societal norm box because it’s comfortable. Ever feel like you want to escape the ‘cubicle’ of life? We want to encourage you to be brave and do things outside the box–simply because you’re passionate about it or it makes you happy.

If you’re unhappy with your life, change it. Seems like a simple concept doesn’t it? But, this might be one of the hardest pieces of life advice to execute. Change, especially life-altering change, comes with major uncertainty and unrest. 


Risking failure for happiness is the most courageous, freeing, and valuable thing you can do in life. You have the power to craft what your life looks like. What have you always wanted to be?

Health and fitness is our passion, but the ‘why’ behind nutrition and exercise is self-love. Holistic well being starts with feeling good about yourself–feeling energized, capable, and strong so you can live your life with purpose. When you live your life with purpose, the world benefits tremendously because everyone has a unique purpose. Nobody else can bring to the table what you can.

We want to encourage you to never settle for a career, friend, significant other, or anything/anyone that makes you feel less than pure joy. Life is beautiful and it’s meant to be lived with purpose, alongside people who bring you happiness.

Be crazy, chase what makes your heart happy, and believe you can change the world.

“The ones who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do.”

-Steve Jobs

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